
2023-08-03 10:51:58

  1. 时间如白驹过隙,转眼已是十多年的友谊。

  Friends for over a decade, time has flown by like a fleeting moment.

  2. 年复一年,情谊更深厚。

  Year after year, our bond grows stronger.

  3. 十年的岁月见证了我们的成长与变化。

  A decade of time has witnessed our growth and changes.

  4. 朋友间的默契与理解已达到了一个黄金时段。

  The understanding and mutual agreement between friends have reached a golden era.

  5. 十多年的友谊犹如一本精彩的故事书,每一页都充满了回忆和情感。

  The friendship of over a decade is like a fascinating storybook, with every page filled with memories and emotions.

  6. 这场聚餐是我们友谊的见证,也是我们欢聚的时刻。

  This gathering is a witness to our friendship and a moment of joyful reunion.

  7. 难以忘怀的岁月将我们紧紧相连,共同经历的点滴时刻成为了珍贵的财富。

  Unforgettable years have bound us closely, and the shared moments have become precious treasures.

  8. 十年的友情让我们懂得了宽容与包容,共同度过喜怒哀乐。

  A decade of friendship has taught us tolerance and acceptance, as we have experienced joy and sorrow together.

  9. 经历了风风雨雨,我们的友谊更加坚不可摧。

  Having weathered storms, our friendship has become unbreakable.

  10. 与十多年的朋友聚餐,所有的话题都变得轻松自在,仿佛我们从未分开过。

  Having a meal with friends of over a decade, all conversations become easy and relaxed, as if we have never been apart.

  11. 十多年的朋友聚餐,我们彼此成为了彼此生活中不可或缺的一部分。

  Gathering with friends of over a decade, we have become an indispensable part of each other's lives.

  12. 这一次的聚餐是我们友谊的庆典,让我们更加坚定对彼此的珍视与陪伴。

  This gathering is a celebration of our friendship, reinforcing our appreciation and companionship.

  13. 我们的友情经历了无数的变数,才在这个餐桌上凝聚成一份珍贵的情感。

  Our friendship has gone through countless changes, only to condense into a precious bond at this dinner table.

  14. 十多年的友谊承载了我们的喜怒哀乐,相互支持与鼓励是我们坚持的动力。

  The friendship of over a decade has carried our joys and sorrows, and mutual support and encouragement have been our driving force.

  15. 这场聚餐是我们友谊的里程碑,一个象征着我们走过的旅程的纪念。

  This gathering is a milestone of our friendship, symbolizing the journey we have traveled together.
